
This page contains a selection of my art. I work mostly with painting in acrylic, collage and with graphics. My art is mostly about thoughts and emotions that I try interpret in different ways.

My name is Ingrid Robertson and I was born in Helsingborg 1952. My dream has always been to become an artist but for different reasons I got an education to become a teacher which I worked as for 25 years.

I moved to Värsjö in the North of Skåne in the beginning of the 90-s and here I now work full time as an artist.

I have attended several art educations and courses: For several years I painted for the artist Ingrid Andersson. I have taken a one year art education at the Folkuniversitetet. Ihave attended a graphics education at Ålsta folkhögskola and one at Ölands folkhögskola as well as a painting course at Hjo folkhögskola and a stonecutter course at Ölands folkhögskola. I have in additions to these courses taken several graphics couses arranged by “Konstnärenas kollektivverkstad i Ängelholm” were I also am a member.

I was 2000, 2001 and 2004 a participant at jury judged exhibitions in Väsby Art Hall in Stockholm, 2002 at a jury judged exhibitions in Falun and 2005 at a jury judged exhibitions in Helsingborg.

I have also hade several non jury judged exhibitions: In 2005 at Galleri Madrix in Hässleholm, Drakabyggets Art Hall in Örkelljunga and the culture house in Örkelljunga. I have also participated at the Christmas auditorium at Galleri KKV in Ängelholm 2004 and 2005.

My art is represented in “Västernorrlands läns landsting”.

A selection of press clips (freely translated):

“Ingrid Robertson stands for emotional painting. She lives in Skånes Värsjö and gives thoughts on reality her way.” NST 2005

“The impression of her paintings is mature. They are relatively austere and simple, which doesn´t exclude a playful charm.” Norra Skåne 2005

“It is realy positive experience to see the exhibition. A lightness in combination with a pleasing color scale distinguishes the pictures. I think that it is pictures that a lot of modern people would be pleased to have in there homes. ” Ingmar Öjelund, Örkelljunga art association.